We have made tremendous strides in improving both our protocols and our culture at Autism Support Now. Creating culture is difficult, altering one that has been created is more difficult. Ours is good, but I want it to be great. We are a team at Autism Support Now and you “own” ASN every bit as much as I do. If one of us succeeds in serving our kids or our teammates, all of us succeed. Likewise, if one of us fails, all of us fails.
If you see something that is questionable or wrong, you are EMPOWERED every single day to question that action or stop the action from occurring. It is not only your right, but also your obligation. Our work and our clientele and our teammates are too important to allow mistakes or wrong actions to occur IF WE HAVE THE POWER TO STOP THEM…AND YOU DO.
Continuous Improvement is our daily goal. To do that it requires all of us. I am blessed with a management team around me, that “call me out” regularly when I am off-base or wrong. I love that. I am a better person and ASN is a better organization because of that.
I know this can be hard and awkward, but it is our obligation. If you see something wrong, call it out. You can do it discreetly; you can do it tactfully, but you need to do it as a person who has chosen this profession of service to others and an ASN teammate. This doesn’t mean you have to “tattle-on or rat-out” a colleague…not at all. It means we need to get the course corrected. Often misdeeds occur based solely in ignorance of correct procedures. I am not interested in blame. I am interested in identifying and addressing problems.
Autism Support Now is yours as much as mine. Let’s build an organization, of which we can be proud! Let’s become better each day and help our clients, their families and our teammates succeed in achieving their highest potential.
I am always available to you, as are others, if you ever need help in addressing a situation. Call, text or email anytime!!!!